Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hot Time In the Summer Sun April 2018

So - it's almost here ....Summer in Tucson !
That's okay - living here for the past 39 years, we've acclimated ourselves to the fact that you get up early to enjoy the moderate temperatures, stay inside during the heat of the day and catch up on those projects you've put aside when the             weather was oh so - perfect you HAD to be outside !!!

BUT - if YOU have been delegated to plan that company picnic or family reunion - give us a call - we can take the stress out of the mess of you trying to plan it all by yourself - and you won't be in the "Hot Seat" ! 520.690.0146

Planning a company picnic or family reunion  ?  Let us help !!!
Call Creative Catering at 520.690.0146 and we'll help you plan all the details you don't have time to do !!

Check our the video below - that's how easy it can be for YOU - NOT wait till it gets to hot ... just sayn'